2. The new mbedza should be subjected to a load test, and the opening of the measuring mbedza should not exceed 0.25% of the original opening.
3.During use, check whether the mbedza is cracked or severely deformed, corroded and worn.
4. Gulu lambedzaziyenera kuyesedwa kamodzi pachaka. Poyeserera, yesani malo osasunthika okwana 1.25 nthawi yololeza yogwira ntchito kwa mphindi 10, ndipo fufuzani ndi galasi lokulitsira kapena njira zina. Pasakhale ming'alu, ming'alu ndi mapindikidwe otsalira.
5. Magawo atatu owopsa ayenera kutsukidwa ndi palafini. Gwiritsani ntchito galasi lokulitsira kuti muwone ngati pali ming'alu. Kwa mbalembedzas, yang'anani bushings ndi zikhomo kuti muvale.
6. Defects on the mbedza shall not be repaired.